I lik writin, but 4get to do it mor often
Robert Pattinson, F.R.I.E.N.D.S - cant get enough of dem!!!

Friday, December 31, 2010


Wats with the jealousy!!!
Its not like people steal anything away from U!
I mean, if somebody is a good dancer or singer or writer or... So why does anybody else have to get jealous of it, when they cant really even do it! So wats d point of wanting to bring them down, when you are no good urself!

Oh, I kno!

I mean why would you deny to lend a writer a pen, wen u are not even using it??
Just so that they cant write wid it, their thoughts, although u yourself hardly ever use dat pen to write anything great!!!

Y do some stupid emotions rule a person so much, that he becomes an object of hatred for others!
Just for a stupid pen or a scissors or a shoe or a dress.
So dat if u cant put that product to any better use, then nobody else also can tooooooo!
That pen/scissors would rather rust in your closet, than be used by someone worthy to do something appreciable with it.

AND then those people have the audacity to come &  teach you about behaviors, emotions, ethics... an endless list - so much beneficial from such hypocrites!!!

What an ironical world to live in!

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