Havin done my graduation in Hospitality Management, i understand quite a bit abt d service, which is offered in various outlets of food & beverage. After d last 6 years, in which i dine out, at least 2-3 times a week, I hv a good experience in kind of service which is generally offered, in casual restaurants. I have lived in Mumbai for a quite sometime, in Trivandrum for a small fraction of a year, but hv been residing in d capital of d country for d last 1 year.
But d experiences of dining in Delhi NCR, are inexpressible (Im still makin an effort here!). D service I received in 1 such outlet today, provoked d writer in me, to write abt dis issue, dat has been haunting me for quite sometime now. I was sitting in an outlet, in 1 of d biggest malls in India. D outlet has pre-plated food, wid hardly 10 choices on d menu. D place is named "Chopaal". Despite d small menu, wid all fixed thalis to choose from, d service is unnervingly slow. Firstly, d order taker is generally absconding & d service personnel serve 1 person after another, wid a gap of 5-8 minutes. So obviously, 1 would wait for d food to be served to all on d table, before 1 digs in. But d stewards have audacity to tell u to eat, forgettin all d basics of table manners & scold u for not havin told dem whose dish is which, as de place ur food on table. Den u hv fellow diners on other tables, screaming at d stewards for cutlery, which is missing, despite d food being on d table. Of course, u hv to wait for any extras, for d finger bowls & TISSUES.
Even d service standards in d outlets which have chains across d nation hv poor standards of service, in comparison to their counterparts in other cities. Cafe Coffee Day(I luv it anyways!) is also 1 such outlet. De hardly give u d menu, even after 20 minutes for arrival. They generally forget to take your order & u have to literally request dem to do so, sometimes. But since Im an ardent fan of CCD & can hardly imagine to live here, widout frequenting it, I do go there, neverthless.
Generally, d service personnel are not concerned about d customers. Even in Big Bazaar, d famous retail chain, d sales personnel will not answer ur queries, but wil instead continue chatting among themselves or doing their own work widout any interruptions. D security guards in some retail stores, wish u on entering d outlet, around quarter of an year, and forget to do so for d rest 9-10 months.
It seems to me, that the service personnel across NCR, think in their minds that they are not here to serve & help the customers, instead d customers are for making their lives easy. D "SERVICE" factor is majorly missing in most, despite this being the era of service, where customer is "GOD" & is "ALWAYS RIGHT".
May be some dont agree with me, but its my opinion & I would need some really convincing good facts & see them with my own eyes, to alter these thoughts!
The value of service is unknown and only those outlets will survive those who buckle up their service. It is a very well written opinion. I believe all the service personnel should read this in NCR, though I am not sure if it will make a difference in their service.
Honey, the post can only be understood by people who have actually served like.... us. NCR services can't ever improve coz 4 that the people need to understand the actual meaning of " we r for u". Here the mentality is plz be obliged that WE are serving u. I blive that if any food critics wud go through ur blog they wud definitly think twice to say anthing +ve bout any outlet without considering the SERVICE.
IHM ki jai.....
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