I lik writin, but 4get to do it mor often
Robert Pattinson, F.R.I.E.N.D.S - cant get enough of dem!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chapters of life...

We go through various phases in life. These different phases form various chapters in our lives.

Every chapter in a person's lifetime holds many moments, people, places, events. But the start of every new chapter & the culmination of an old one, involves some aches, some memories & some doubts & questions.

1 such chapter in my life is coming to an end. It is the chapter of my post-graduation years.
This chapter began 2 years ago. With a new college, a new city, new faces & new work- to study management.

And as I come to an end of these 2 years, my mind wanders to the various chapters & phases in my life. Each of these phases comprised of various moments, some high, some low. Some moments made me question my own decisions, while others made me proud. Some gave aches, for which i cried my heart out, but others also gave me cheerful happy memories.

As I look back, I am amazed to see that I have met so many different people, some of whom hugged me, while others stabbed in my back. People of all castes, creeds, religions, states. But despite all that I have been through, I still desire to meet more people, to know and understand them, with hopes of making more friends than foes.

It is the memories which remain in our minds of these different chapters, which we can cherish. Some distant talks, few photographs, reminding of the old days gone by. Some of us collect mementos, or gifts & cards, which help us recall those occasions, that went by, when we were in company of some people, who are a part of an old chapter.

As we walk down the memory lane, we might shed a tear or two, recalling those unwritten chapters, but our mind will always remember the important intricate details, of those specifications, which are unique to that chapter. A different place we lived in, some unique persons we met, a special task we performed. And the autobiography of our lives shall make the person we are, with all the experiences we had & the lessons we learned, during the many chapters of our lives!!!


ABHI said...

Hi... It's so truly written. You have captured the essence of the two years spent in Jaipuria... One of the chapters of your book is surely this 1... May you have many memorable chapters in future.. And may I be part of all of them... Keep Writing.. Take care..

The Carnival of Rust said...

The chapters of life covers a plethora of memories, accentuated by true feelings. Feelings which have surrounded us like a haze, which are at times confusing and at times pleasing. But most importantly, They are necessary...