Its d festive time of d year agn...
With lights put up on every house...
& d frequent fireworks...
with holy Aromas on every nook of the city!
It is dese festivals which remind people of their roots, their culture, what India is really made up of. In d fast paced lives of d metros, it is dese occasions, which bring families together to a table, to discuss abt their lives & d happy moments which create irreplacable memories in d minds of all!
I also got a chance this year, after a really really long time, to appreciate d mythologies of Indian Culture, with d celebrations of Navratri, grandness of d Durga Pooja, and d victory of Good over Evil by Dussehra. D drama of the Ramayana enacted by a group of performers, reminded of d struggles in life, and dat hope should never be given up, as dere is always a ray of light, at d end of every dark tunnel we pass through.
Love d fact dat Im an Indian, and our customs are unique in their own special way & hold a sacred position in the hearts & lives of us all. D hordes of people gathered together for celebrations, depicted d Unity despite d diversities amongst us.