After a long time, I was home for more than a month.
I had a notion, that it would be a horrible experience, what with all my previous vacations having a similar fate. However, this time it was for a different cause that I was home - to take care of my mom. She had been ill & could not take time off work due to her commitments, thus I was called upon, to look after her.
I dreaded my stay & was reluctant to go, but seeing no options, went ahead with the plans to be home. I always dread the nasty discussions at dinner table, or the unanswerable questions which are shot at me, and having no escapes, I always have to bear the brunt of the anger and the ego clashes. Although the loss suffered is borne by both the parties, since there are times when I retaliate and its my parents who have to hear me. Mostly its my mom, since she misses me, and stores up all the feelings and anger, which are vent out on me, when I land in my house.
This vacation, proved different. My parents treated me like an adult. Thus, there were lesser quarrels, more of discussions, which I had the liberty of walking out of, if I felt uncomfortable. I would rather not hear an odd question & remain silent, than attempt to answer it & make the whole tale twisted.
I thus prefer that the truth be untold, than a lie be told. B'coz that would not hurt much later, when the curtain is raised from the secrets of life. It helps to uncomplicate life, than pave the path of lies, which are difficult to live by. This made my vacationing @ home, easy & memorable.
My parents came closer to me. They rediscovered their loving & doting daughter, who not only sends them gifts, but also a heart filled with respect & gratitude. This vacation has helped me sort out an important relation in my life, all thanx to some patience & the path shown by my love, which I followed trustingly.
I had a notion, that it would be a horrible experience, what with all my previous vacations having a similar fate. However, this time it was for a different cause that I was home - to take care of my mom. She had been ill & could not take time off work due to her commitments, thus I was called upon, to look after her.
I dreaded my stay & was reluctant to go, but seeing no options, went ahead with the plans to be home. I always dread the nasty discussions at dinner table, or the unanswerable questions which are shot at me, and having no escapes, I always have to bear the brunt of the anger and the ego clashes. Although the loss suffered is borne by both the parties, since there are times when I retaliate and its my parents who have to hear me. Mostly its my mom, since she misses me, and stores up all the feelings and anger, which are vent out on me, when I land in my house.
This vacation, proved different. My parents treated me like an adult. Thus, there were lesser quarrels, more of discussions, which I had the liberty of walking out of, if I felt uncomfortable. I would rather not hear an odd question & remain silent, than attempt to answer it & make the whole tale twisted.
I thus prefer that the truth be untold, than a lie be told. B'coz that would not hurt much later, when the curtain is raised from the secrets of life. It helps to uncomplicate life, than pave the path of lies, which are difficult to live by. This made my vacationing @ home, easy & memorable.
My parents came closer to me. They rediscovered their loving & doting daughter, who not only sends them gifts, but also a heart filled with respect & gratitude. This vacation has helped me sort out an important relation in my life, all thanx to some patience & the path shown by my love, which I followed trustingly.
"Thank U God, for giving me my parents & my love!!!"