I lik writin, but 4get to do it mor often
Robert Pattinson, F.R.I.E.N.D.S - cant get enough of dem!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Coffee News Today

Ladies, please note — drinking a couple of cups of coffee everyday is good for you , as a new study has claimed the drink reduces one's risk of a stroke .

And, women who don't drink coffee at all may actually be increasing their risk for stroke, the study has warned. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, who carried out the study , have also found evidence that drinking more than a cup of coffee a day can help ward off diabetes and liver cancer in women.

The experts found women who drank more than a cup a day saw their stroke risk fall by between 20 and 25 per cent compared with those who drank little or none. This held true regardless of their weight, smoking and drinking habits, or whether they had a family history of diabetes. The study also revealed drinking coffee lowered the risk of other diseases like diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and having other beneficial effects.

Guess I have more reasons to go to a Cafe now!!!

More on:

Monday, March 7, 2011


The year 1689 saw the first café opening in Paris.

There was a time in our history when you could be executed for harming a coffee plant. At the same time in another part of the world, you could be executed for having one!

Coffee was denounced by many religious leaders as the drink of Satan. Coffee houses were known as “hotbeds of sedition”. In the 1700’s many coffee houses were ordered to close. For failing to comply, the punishment for first time offenders was public beating and humiliation. Second (and last) time offenders were sewn into a leather bag and thrown into the river. Think about that the next time you order a Latte!

In the year 1773, tea was replaced by coffee as the national drink in the Americas when angry colonists were enraged by King George’s enormous tax on tea. This of course led to The Boston Tea Party where the new nation gained its strong allegiance to coffee.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chapters of life...

We go through various phases in life. These different phases form various chapters in our lives.

Every chapter in a person's lifetime holds many moments, people, places, events. But the start of every new chapter & the culmination of an old one, involves some aches, some memories & some doubts & questions.

1 such chapter in my life is coming to an end. It is the chapter of my post-graduation years.
This chapter began 2 years ago. With a new college, a new city, new faces & new work- to study management.

And as I come to an end of these 2 years, my mind wanders to the various chapters & phases in my life. Each of these phases comprised of various moments, some high, some low. Some moments made me question my own decisions, while others made me proud. Some gave aches, for which i cried my heart out, but others also gave me cheerful happy memories.